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We will look after your cat or cats in your own home whilst you are away.
Familiar Surroundings


Your cat will feel relaxed in control in their own familiar surroundings. If you have a cat flap they will also be able to continue with their normal daily routine. If they are an indoor cat we will ensure that they stay safely indoors.

Time to play, or just relax?


If your cat loves human interaction and enjoys playing we will spend time with them so that they do not miss you too much whilst you are away. Alternatively if your cat just wants to snuggle up on someone's lap for a little while we can take care of that too.

Additional Services

For additional security whilst you are away from home we can, if you wish, open your curtains in the mornings and close them again in the evenings.

Familiar Food

We will ensure your cat has fresh food and water every day, the food that you usually feed them. Continuity makes for a happy cat. If your cat uses a litter tray we will also maintain that. 

Specific needs


If your cat has specific needs, for example medication, including injections for a diabetic cat, we will happily take care of those requirements. We have previous experience as one of our own cats is diabetic.

House Plants

If requested we will water your houseplants and also feed any other small animals such as hamsters, goldfish or budgies.

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